Conjugate Obedecer in Portuguese – Obedecer Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Obedecer is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “er”, and it translate to “To obey” in English.

Obedecer é um verbo português regular que termina em “er” e se traduz em “To obey” em ingles.

Obedecer Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu obedeço I obey
Tu obedeces You obey
Você obedece You obey
Ele / Ela obedece He/She obeys
Nós obedecemos You obey
Vós obedeceis You obey
Eles / Elas obedecem They obey

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu obedeci I obeyed
Tu obedeceste You obeyed
Você obedeceu You obeyed
Ele/Ela obedeceu He/She obeyed
Nós obedecemos We obeyed
Vós obedecestes You obeyed
Eles/Elas obedeceram They obeyed

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu obedecia I was obeying
Tu obedecias You were obeying
Você obedecia You were obeying
Ele/Ela obedecia He/She was obeying
Nós obedecíamos We were obeying
Vós obedecíeis You were obeying
Eles/Elas obedeciam They were obeying

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu obedecerei I will obey
Tu obedecerás You will obey
Você obedecerá You will obey
Ele/Ela obedecerá He/She will obey
Nós obedeceremos We will obey
Vós obedecereis You will obey
Eles/Elas obedecerão They will obey

Obedecer Participle / Obedecer Participio 

Português English
Obedecido Obeyed

Obedecer Gerundo 

Português English
Obedecendo Obeying

Obedecer Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Obedecer

Português English
Eu obedeço as regras da escola. I obey the school rules.
Ela obedeceu às instruções do chefe. She obeyed the boss’s instructions.
Nós estávamos obedecendo as ordens. We were obeying the orders.
Vocês obedecem aos seus pais. You obey your parents.
Ele obedeceu ao sinal de parada. He obeyed the stop sign.
Elas obedecem às leis do país. They obey the laws of the country.
Nós obedeceremos ao regulamento do evento. We will obey the event regulations.
Vocês obedecerão as regras da competição. You will obey the competition rules.
Ele obedecia às ordens do seu superior. He used to obey the orders of his superior.
Nós já obedecemos a todas as instruções. We have already obeyed all the instructions.