Conjugate Oferecer in Portuguese – Oferecer Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Oferecer is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “er”, and it translate to “To offer” in English.

Oferecer é um verbo português regular que termina em “er” e se traduz em “To offer” em ingles.

Oferecer Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu ofereço I offer
Tu ofereces You offer
Você oferece You offer
Ele / Ela oferece He/She offers
Nós oferecemos You (plural, informal) offer
Vós ofereceis You (plural, informal) offer
Eles / Elas oferecem They offer

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu ofereci I offered
Tu ofereceste You (singular, informal) offered
Você ofereceu You (singular, informal) offered
Ele/Ela ofereceu He/She offered
Nós oferecemos We offered
Vós oferecestes You (plural, informal) offered
Eles/Elas ofereceram They offered

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu oferecia I was offering / I used to offer
Tu oferecias You (singular, informal) were offering / You used to offer
Você oferecia You (singular, informal) were offering / You used to offer
Ele/Ela oferecia He/She was offering / He/She used to offer
Nós oferecíamos We were offering / We used to offer
Vós oferecíeis You (plural, informal) were offering / You used to offer
Eles/Elas ofereciam They were offering / They used to offer

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu oferecerei I will offer
Tu oferecerás You (singular, informal) will offer
Você oferecerá You (singular, informal) will offer
Ele/Ela oferecerá He/She will offer
Nós ofereceremos We will offer
Vós oferecereis You (plural, informal) will offer
Eles/Elas oferecerão They will offer

Oferecer Participle / Oferecer Participio 

Português English
Oferecido Offered

Oferecer Gerundo 

Português English
Oferecendo Offering

Oferecer Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Oferecer

Português English
Eu ofereço ajuda quando alguém precisa. I offer help when someone needs it.
Você ofereceu uma solução para o problema. You offered a solution to the problem.
Ele oferece conselhos úteis. He offers useful advice.
Nós oferecemos nossa amizade incondicionalmente. We offer our friendship unconditionally.
Eles oferecem descontos especiais. They offer special discounts.
Eu oferecia presentes no Natal. I used to offer gifts at Christmas.
Você oferecia apoio emocional quando era necessário. You (singular, informal) used to offer emotional support when needed.
Ele oferecia carona aos colegas. He used to offer rides to his colleagues.
Nós oferecíamos nossa ajuda sempre que possível. We used to offer our help whenever possible.
Eles ofereceram assistência imediata. They offered immediate assistance.