Conjugate Ser in Spanish – Ser Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Irregular
Tipo de verbo: Irregular

Ser is a regular Spanish verb ending in “er”, and it translates to “To be (permanent)” in English.

Ser es un verbo español regular que termina en “er”, y se traduce como “To be (permanent)” en inglés.

Ser Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo soy I am
Tú eres You are
Usted es You are
Él / Ella es He/she is
Nosotros/as somos We are
Vosotros/as sois You (plural, informal) are
Ellos / Ellas son They are

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo fui I was
Tú fuiste You were
Usted fue You were
Él / Ella fue He/She was
Nosotros/as fuimos We were
Vosotros/as fuisteis You (plural, informal) were
Ellos / Ellas fueron They were

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo era I was
Tú eras You were
Usted era You were
Él / Ella era He/She was
Nosotros/as éramos We were
Vosotros/as erais You were
Ellos / Ellas eran They were

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo seré I will be
Tú serás You will be
Usted será You will be
Él / Ella será He/She will be
Nosotros/as seremos We will be
Vosotros/as seréis You will be
Ellos / Ellas serán They will be

Ser Participle / Ser Participio 

Español English
Sido Been

Ser Gerundo 

Español English
Siendo Being

Ser Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Ser

Español English
Yo soy un estudiante. I am a student.
Tú eres inteligente. You are intelligent.
Ella es amable. She is kind.
Somos felices. We are happy.
Eres inteligente. You are intelligent.
Él es amable. He is kind.
Éramos amigos. We were friends.
¿Eres feliz aquí? Are you happy here?
Ellos son amigos. They are friends.
Soy feliz. I am happy.