Conjugate Gastar in Spanish – Gastar Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Gastar is a regular Spanish verb ending in “ar”, and it translates to “To spend” in English.

Gastar es un verbo español regular que termina en “ar”, y se traduce como “To spend” en inglés.

Gastar Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo Gasto I spend
Tú Gastas You spend
Usted Gasta You spend
Él / Ella Gasta He spends
Nosotros/as Gastamos We spend
Vosotros/as Gastais You spend
Ellos / Ellas Gastam They spend

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo Gastei I spent
Tú Gastaste You spent
Usted Gastou You spent
Él / Ella Gastou He spent
Nosotros/as Gastamos We spent
Vosotros/as Gastastes You spent
Ellos / Ellas Gastaram They spent

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo Gastava I was spending
Tú Gastavas You were spending
Usted Gastava You were spending
Él / Ella Gastava He was spending
Nosotros/as Gastávamos We were spending
Vosotros/as Gastáveis You were spending
Ellos / Ellas Gastavam They were spending

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo Gastarei I will spend
Tú Gastarás You will spend
Usted Gastará You will spend
Él / Ella Gastará He will spend
Nosotros/as Gastaremos We will spend
Vosotros/as Gastareis You will spend
Ellos / Ellas Gastarão They will spend

Gastar Participle / Gastar Participio 

Español English
Gastado Spent

Gastar Gerundo 

Español English
Gastando Spending

Gastar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Gastar

Español English
Gasto dinero en cosas importantes. I spend money on important things.
Gastaste todo tu dinero. You spent all your money.
Gastaban dinero en lujos. They spent money on luxuries.
Gastaremos tiempo en lo que amamos. We will spend time on what we love.
Gastáis más de lo que ganáis. You spend more than you earn.
Gastó toda su herencia en viajes. He spent all his inheritance on travels.
Gastábamos más de lo que ganábamos. We were spending more than we earned.
¿Gastarás tu dinero sabiamente? Will you spend your money wisely?
Gastaron todo su tiempo en el proyecto. They spent all their time on the project.
Gasto mucho en ropa. I spend a lot on clothes.