Conjugate Guardar in Spanish – Guardar Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Guardar is a regular Spanish verb ending in “ar”, and it translates to “To save” in English.

Guardar es un verbo español regular que termina en “ar”, y se traduce como “To save” en inglés.

Guardar Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo Guardo I save
Tú Guardas You save
Usted Guarda You save
Él / Ella Guarda He saves
Nosotros/as Guardamos We save
Vosotros/as Guardáis You save
Ellos / Ellas Guardan They save

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo Guardei I saved
Tú Guardaste You saved
Usted Guardou You saved
Él / Ella Guardou He saved
Nosotros/as Guardamos We saved
Vosotros/as Guardastes You saved
Ellos / Ellas Guardaron They saved

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo Guardava I was saving
Tú Guardavas You were saving
Usted Guardava You were saving
Él / Ella Guardava He was saving
Nosotros/as Guardábamos We were saving
Vosotros/as Guardáveis You were saving
Ellos / Ellas Guardaban They were saving

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo Guardaré I will save
Tú Guardarás You will save
Usted Guardará You will save
Él / Ella Guardará He will save
Nosotros/as Guardaremos We will save
Vosotros/as Guardaréis You will save
Ellos / Ellas Guardarán They will save

Guardar Participle / Guardar Participio 

Español English
Guardado Saved

Guardar Gerundo 

Español English
Guardando Saving

Guardar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Guardar

Español English
Guardo mis documentos en una carpeta. I keep my documents in a folder.
Guardaste el dinero en el banco. You saved the money in the bank.
Ella guardó sus recuerdos en una caja. She saved her memories in a box.
Amamos a nuestros padres. We love our parents.
Amáis la naturaleza. You love nature.
Ellas guardaron los regalos. They saved the gifts.
Estaban guardando silencio. They were keeping quiet.
¿Guardarás mi secreto? Will you keep my secret?
Ellas guardaron los libros en el estante. They put the books on the shelf.
Guardo mis joyas en una caja fuerte. I keep my jewelry in a safe box.