Conjugate Tratar in Spanish – Tratar Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Tratar is a regular Spanish verb ending in “ar”, and it translates to “To treat” in English.

Tratar es un verbo español regular que termina en “ar”, y se traduce como “To treat” en inglés.

Tratar Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo trato I treat
Tú tratas You treat
Usted trata You treat
Él / Ella trata He/she treats
Nosotros/as tratamos We treat
Vosotros/as tratáis you treat
Ellos / Ellas tratan They treat

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo traté I treated
Tú trataste You treated
Usted trató You treated
Él / Ella trató He/She treated
Nosotros/as tratamos We treated
Vosotros/as tratasteis
Ellos / Ellas trataron They treated

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo trataba I was treating
Tú tratabas You were treating
Usted trataba You were treating
Él / Ella trataba He/She was treating
Nosotros/as tratábamos We were treating
Vosotros/as tratabais You were treating
Ellos / Ellas trataban They were treating

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo trataré I will treat
Tú tratarás You will treat
Usted tratará You will treat
Él / Ella tratará He/She will treat
Nosotros/as trataremos We will treat
Vosotros/as trataréis You will treat
Ellos / Ellas tratarán They will treat

Tratar Participle / Tratar Participio 

Español English
Tratado Treated

Tratar Gerundo 

Español English
Tratando Treating

Tratar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Tratar

Español English
Yo trato a todos con respeto. I treat everyone with respect.
Tú tratas de ser amable. You try to be kind.
Ella trataba de ayudar a todos. She tried to help everyone.
Trataremos de resolver el problema. We will try to solve the problem.
Trato de aprender algo nuevo cada día. I try to learn something new every day.
Ellos tratan de resolver el misterio. They try to solve the mystery.
Tratábamos de entender el problema. We were trying to understand the problem.
¿Tratarás de llegar a tiempo? Will you try to arrive on time?
Ellos trataron de ganar el premio. They tried to win the prize.
Trato de hacer lo correcto. I try to do the right thing.