Conjugate Jurar in Spanish – Jurar Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Jurar is a regular Spanish verb ending in “ar”, and it translates to “To swear” in English.

Jurar es un verbo español regular que termina en “ar”, y se traduce como “To swear” en inglés.

Jurar Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo juro I swear
Tú juras You swear
Usted jura You swear
Él / Ella jura He/she swears
Nosotros/as juramos We swear
Vosotros/as juráis You (plural, informal) swear
Ellos / Ellas juran They swear

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo juré I swore
Tú juraste You (singular, informal) swore
Usted juró You (singular, informal) swore
Él / Ella juró He/She swore
Nosotros/as juramos We swore
Vosotros/as jurasteis You (plural, informal) swore
Ellos / Ellas juraron They swore

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo juraba I was swearing
Tú jurabas You (singular, informal) were swearing
Usted juraba You (singular, informal) were swearing
Él / Ella juraba He/She was swearing
Nosotros/as jurábamos We were swearing
Vosotros/as jurábais You (plural, informal) were swearing
Ellos / Ellas juraban They were swearing

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo juraré I will swear
Tú jurarás You will swear
Usted jurará You will swear
Él / Ella jurará He/She will swear
Nosotros/as juraremos We will swear
Vosotros/as juraréis You (plural, informal) will swear
Ellos / Ellas jurarán They will swear

Jurar Participle / Jurar Participio 

Español English
Jurado Sworn

Jurar Gerundo 

Español English
Jurando Swearing

Jurar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Jurar

Español English
Juro que diré la verdad. I swear I will tell the truth.
Juras defender tu honor. You swear to defend your honor.
Juraban no revelar el secreto. They swore not to reveal the secret.
Jurabais ser amigos para siempre. You swore to be friends forever.
Jura que nunca lo volverá a hacer. He/she swears never to do it again.
Juré lealtad a la bandera. I swore allegiance to the flag.
Juraban proteger el secreto con sus vidas. They swore to protect the secret with their lives.
¿Juras decir la verdad en el juicio? Do you swear to tell the truth in the trial?
Juraron venganza por la traición. They swore revenge for the betrayal.
Juras decir la verdad ante el tribunal. You swear to tell the truth in court.