Conjugate Habitar in Spanish – Habitar Conjugation 🇪🇸

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Habitar is a regular Spanish verb ending in “ar”, and it translates to “To inhabit” in English.

Habitar es un verbo español regular que termina en “ar”, y se traduce como “To inhabit” en inglés.

Habitar Conjugación

Tense: Present  / Presente 

 Español English
Yo Habito I inhabit
Tú Habitás You inhabit
Usted Habita You inhabit
Él / Ella Habita He inhabits
Nosotros/as Habitamos We inhabit
Vosotros/as Habitáis You inhabit
Ellos / Ellas Habitan They inhabit

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

 Español English
Yo Habitei I inhabited
Tú Habitaste You inhabited
Usted Habitou You inhabited
Él / Ella Habitou He inhabited
Nosotros/as Habitamos We inhabited
Vosotros/as Habitastes You inhabited
Ellos / Ellas Habitaron They inhabited

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

 Español English
Yo Habitava I was inhabiting
Tú Habitavas You were inhabiting
Usted Habitava You were inhabiting
Él / Ella Habitava He was inhabiting
Nosotros/as Habitábamos We were inhabiting
Vosotros/as Habitáveis You were inhabiting
Ellos / Ellas Habitaban They were inhabiting

Tense: Future / Futuro

 Español English
Yo Habitaré I will inhabit
Tú Habitarás You will inhabit
Usted Habitará You will inhabit
Él / Ella Habitará He will inhabit
Nosotros/as Habitaremos We will inhabit
Vosotros/as Habitaréis You will inhabit
Ellos / Ellas Habitarán They will inhabit

Habitar Participle / Habitar Participio 

Español English
Habitado Inhabited

Habitar Gerundo 

Español English
Habitando Inhabiting

Habitar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Habitar

Español English
Habito en una casa antigua. I live in an old house.
Habitaste en esa ciudad por años. You inhabited that city for years.
Construyeron una casa nueva para habitarla. They built a new house to inhabit it.
Construimos un refugio para habitarlo en verano. We built a shelter to inhabit in summer.
Construís castillos en el aire. You build castles in the air.
Construyeron una ciudad para habitarla. They built a city to inhabit it.
Construían una vida juntos. They were building a life together.
¿Habitarás en esta ciudad? Will you inhabit this city?
Habitaron en esa casa por muchos años. They lived in that house for many years.
He estado viviendo en esta casa durante años. I have been living in this house for years.