Conjugate Balançar in Portuguese – Balançar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Balançar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To swing / To rock” in English.

Balançar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To swing / To rock” em ingles.

Balançar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu balanço I swing / I rock
Tu balanças You swing / You rock
Você balança You swing / You rock
Ele / Ela balança He/She swings / He/She rocks
Nós balançamos You (plural, informal) swing / You rock
Vós balançais You (plural, informal) swing / You rock
Eles / Elas balançam They swing / They rock

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu balancei I swung / I rocked
Tu balançaste You (singular, informal) swung / You rocked
Você balançou You (singular, informal) swung / You rocked
Ele/Ela balançou He/She swung / He/She rocked
Nós balançamos We swung / We rocked
Vós balançastes You (plural, informal) swung / You rocked
Eles/Elas balançaram They swung / They rocked

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu balançava I was swinging / I used to swing / I was rocking / I used to rock
Tu balançavas You (singular, informal) were swinging / You used to swing / You were rocking / You used to rock
Você balançava You (singular, informal) were swinging / You used to swing / You were rocking / You used to rock
Ele/Ela balançava He/She was swinging / He/She used to swing / He/She was rocking / He/She used to rock
Nós balançávamos We were swinging / We used to swing / We were rocking / We used to rock
Vós balançáveis You (plural, informal) were swinging / You used to swing / You were rocking / You used to rock
Eles/Elas balançavam They were swinging / They used to swing / They were rocking / They used to rock

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu balançarei I will swing / I will rock
Tu balançarás You (singular, informal) will swing / You will rock
Você balançará You (singular, informal) will swing / You will rock
Ele/Ela balançará He/She will swing / He/She will rock
Nós balançaremos We will swing / We will rock
Vós balançareis You (plural, informal) will swing / You will rock
Eles/Elas balançarão They will swing / They will rock

Balançar Participle / Balançar Participio 

Português English
Balançado Swung / Rocked

Balançar Gerundo 

Português English
Balançando Swinging / Rocking

Balançar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Balançar

Português English
Eu balanço na rede todas as tardes. I swing in the hammock every afternoon.
Você balançou o bebê para dormir. You rocked the baby to sleep.
Ele balança as chaves antes de sair. He swings the keys before leaving.
Nós balançamos no parque ontem. We swung in the park yesterday.
Elas balançam os pés ao ritmo da música. They swing their feet to the rhythm of the music.
Eu balançava no balanço quando era criança. I used to swing on the swing when I was a child.
Vocês balançavam as árvores para colher frutas. You (plural, informal) used to shake the trees to pick fruits.
Ela balançava suavemente o bebê nos braços. She gently rocked the baby in her arms.
Nós balançávamos a rede debaixo do céu estrelado. We swung the hammock under the starry sky.
Eles balançaram os braços para chamar a atenção. They waved their arms to get attention.