Conjugate Xerocar in Portuguese – Xerocar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Xerocar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To photocopy” in English.

Xerocar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To photocopy” em ingles.

Xerocar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu xeroco I photocopy
Tu xerocas You photocopy
Você xeroca You photocopy
Ele / Ela xeroca He/She photocopies
Nós xerocamos You (plural, informal) photocopy
Vós xerocais You (plural, informal) photocopy
Eles / Elas xerocam They photocopy

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu xeroquei I photocopied
Tu xerocaste You (singular, informal) photocopied
Você xerocou You (singular, informal) photocopied
Ele/Ela xerocou He/She photocopied
Nós xerocamos We photocopied
Vós xerocastes You (plural, informal) photocopied
Eles/Elas xerocaram They photocopied

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu xerocava I was photocopying / I used to photocopy
Tu xerocavas You (singular, informal) were photocopying / You used to photocopy
Você xerocava You (singular, informal) were photocopying / You used to photocopy
Ele/Ela xerocava He/She was photocopying / He/She used to photocopy
Nós xerocávamos We were photocopying / We used to photocopy
Vós xerocáveis You (plural, informal) were photocopying / You used to photocopy
Eles/Elas xerocavam They were photocopying / They used to photocopy

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu xerocarei I will photocopy
Tu xerocarás You (singular, informal) will photocopy
Você xerocará You (singular, informal) will photocopy
Ele/Ela xerocará He/She will photocopy
Nós xerocaremos We will photocopy
Vós xerocareis You (plural, informal) will photocopy
Eles/Elas xerocarão They will photocopy

Xerocar Participle / Xerocar Participio 

Português English
Xerocado Photocopied

Xerocar Gerundo 

Português English
Xerocando Photocopying

Xerocar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Xerocar

Português English
Eu xeroco documentos importantes. I photocopy important documents.
Vocês xerocaram várias cópias do contrato. You (plural, informal) photocopied several copies of the contract.
Ela xerocava livros para a biblioteca. She used to photocopy books for the library.
Nós xerocamos os papéis da reunião. We photocopied the papers for the meeting.
Vocês xerocam os relatórios regularmente. You (plural, informal) photocopy the reports regularly.
Ele xerocará os documentos amanhã cedo. He will photocopy the documents tomorrow morning.
Elas xerocam fotos para o álbum. They photocopy pictures for the album.
Eu xerocava os textos para estudo. I used to photocopy texts for study.
Nós xerocaremos as provas para a turma. We will photocopy the tests for the class.
Vocês xerocarão os manuais do projeto. You (plural, informal) will photocopy the project manuals.