Conjugate Frustar in Portuguese – Frustar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Frustar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To frustrate” in English.

Frustar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To frustrate” em ingles.

Frustar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu frusto I frustrate
Tu frustras You frustrate
Você frustra You frustrate
Ele / Ela frustra He/She frustrates
Nós frustramos You frustrate
Vós frustrais You frustrate
Eles / Elas frustram They frustrate

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu frustrei I frustrated
Tu frustraste You frustrated
Você frustrou You frustrated
Ele/Ela frustrou He/She frustrated
Nós frustramos We frustrated
Vós frustrastes You frustrated
Eles/Elas frustraram They frustrated

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu frustrava I was frustrating
Tu frustravas You were frustrating
Você frustrava You were frustrating
Ele/Ela frustrava He/She was frustrating
Nós frustrávamos We were frustrating
Vós frustráveis You were frustrating
Eles/Elas frustravam They were frustrating

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu frustrarei I will frustrate
Tu frustrarás You will frustrate
Você frustrará You will frustrate
Ele/Ela frustrará He/She will frustrate
Nós frustraremos We will frustrate
Vós frustrareis You will frustrate
Eles/Elas frustrarão They will frustrate

Frustar Participle / Frustar Participio 

Português English
Frustrado Frustrated

Frustar Gerundo 

Português English
Frustrando Frustrating

Frustar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Frustar

Português English
Eu frustro facilmente com as pessoas insensíveis. I easily frustrate with insensitive people.
Frustramos os nossos planos para o fim de semana. We frustrated our plans for the weekend.
Ela sempre me frustra com sua indiferença. She always frustrates me with her indifference.
Frustram as minhas expectativas constantemente. They constantly frustrate my expectations.
Eu costumava frustrar os meus colegas na escola. I used to frustrate my classmates at school.
Frustrarão os seus esforços se não se dedicarem. They will frustrate their efforts if they don’t dedicate themselves.
Estou frustrando todas as tentativas deles. I am frustrating all their attempts.
O resultado do jogo frustrou os torcedores. The result of the game frustrated the fans.
O professor tenta não frustrar os alunos. The teacher tries not to frustrate the students.
Por favor, não me frustres com essa notícia. Please, don’t frustrate me with this news.