Conjugate Dar in Portuguese – Dar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Dar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To give” in English.

Dar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To give” em ingles.

Dar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu dou I give
Tu dás You give
Você dá You give
Ele / Ela dá He/she gives
Nós damos You (plural, informal) give
Vós dais You (plural, informal) give
Eles / Elas dão They give

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu dei I gave
Tu deste You (singular, informal) gave
Você deu You (singular, informal) gave
Ele/Ela deu He/She gave
Nós demos We gave
Vós destes You (plural, informal) gave
Eles/Elas deram They gave

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu dava I was giving
Tu davas You (singular, informal) were giving
Você dava You (singular, informal) were giving
Ele/Ela dava He/She was giving
Nós dávamos We were giving
You (plural, informal) were giving You were giving
Estávamos dando We were giving

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu darei I will give
Tu darás You (singular, informal) will give
Você dará You (singular, informal) will give
Ele/Ela dará He/She will give
Nós daremos We will give
Vós dareis You (plural, informal) will give
Eles/Elas darão They will give

Dar Participle / Dar Participio 

Português English
Dado Given

Dar Gerundo 

Português English
Dando Giving

Dar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Dar

Português English
Eu dou presentes no Natal. I give presents at Christmas.
Tu dás conselhos úteis. You give useful advice.
Ele dá comida aos animais. He gives food to the animals.
Nós damos abraços calorosos. We give warm hugs.
Vocês dão boas-vindas. You give welcomes.
Ela dá amor incondicional. She gives unconditional love.
Nós davam presentes de aniversário. We used to give birthday presents.
Vocês darão uma festa. You will give a party.
Eles deram flores. They gave flowers.
Dar é um ato de generosidade. Giving is an act of generosity.