Conjugate Valorizar in Portuguese – Valorizar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Valorizar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To value / To appreciate” in English.

Valorizar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To value / To appreciate” em ingles.

Valorizar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu valorizo I value / I appreciate
Tu valorizas You value / You appreciate
Você valoriza You value / You appreciate
Ele / Ela valoriza He/She values / He/She appreciates
Nós valorizamos You (plural, informal) value / You appreciate
Vós valorizais You (plural, informal) value / You appreciate
Eles / Elas valorizam They value / They appreciate

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu valorizei I valued / I appreciated
Tu valorizaste You (singular, informal) valued / You appreciated
Você valorizou You (singular, informal) valued / You appreciated
Ele/Ela valorizou He/She valued / He/She appreciated
Nós valorizamos We valued / We appreciated
Vós valorizastes You (plural, informal) valued / You appreciated
Eles/Elas valorizaram They valued / They appreciated

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu valorizava I was valuing / I used to value / I was appreciating / I used to appreciate
Tu valorizavas You (singular, informal) were valuing / You used to value / You were appreciating / You used to appreciate
Você valorizava You (singular, informal) were valuing / You used to value / You were appreciating / You used to appreciate
Ele/Ela valorizava He/She was valuing / He/She used to value / He/She was appreciating / He/She used to appreciate
Nós valorizávamos We were valuing / We used to value / We were appreciating / We used to appreciate
Vós valorizáveis You (plural, informal) were valuing / You used to value / You were appreciating / You used to appreciate
Eles/Elas valorizavam They were valuing / They used to value / They were appreciating / They used to appreciate

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu valorizarei I will value / I will appreciate
Tu valorizarás You (singular, informal) will value / You will appreciate
Você valorizará You (singular, informal) will value / You will appreciate
Ele/Ela valorizará He/She will value / He/She will appreciate
Nós valorizaremos We will value / We will appreciate
Vós valorizareis You (plural, informal) will value / You will appreciate
Eles/Elas valorizarão They will value / They will appreciate

Valorizar Participle / Valorizar Participio 

Português English
Valorizado Valued / Appreciated

Valorizar Gerundo 

Português English
Valorizando Valuing / Appreciating

Valorizar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Valorizar

Português English
Eu valorizo as pessoas que trabalham duro. I value the people who work hard.
Você valorizou o esforço deles na apresentação. You appreciated their effort in the presentation.
Ele valoriza o tempo que passa com a família. He values the time he spends with his family.
Nós valorizamos a opinião dos nossos clientes. We value the opinion of our customers.
Eles valorizam a diversidade no ambiente de trabalho. They value diversity in the workplace.
Eu valorizava cada momento ao seu lado. I used to value every moment by your side.
Vocês valorizavam a natureza e o meio ambiente. You (plural, informal) used to value nature and the environment.
Ele valorizava a honestidade acima de tudo. He valued honesty above all else.
Nós valorizávamos as pequenas conquistas. We used to value the small achievements.
Eles valorizaram o esforço da equipe no projeto. They appreciated the team’s effort in the project.