Conjugate Herdar in Portuguese – Herdar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Herdar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To inherit” in English.

Herdar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To inherit” em ingles.

Herdar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu herdo I inherit
Tu herdaste You inherit
Você herda You inherit
Ele / Ela herda He/She inherits
Nós herdamos You inherit
Vós herdais You inherit
Eles / Elas herdam They inherit

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu herdei I inherited
Tu herdaste You inherited
Você herdou You inherited
Ele/Ela herdou He/She inherited
Nós herdamos We inherited
Vós herdastes You inherited
Eles/Elas herdaram They inherited

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu herdava I was inheriting
Tu herdavas You were inheriting
Você herdava You were inheriting
Ele/Ela herdava He/She was inheriting
Nós herdávamos We were inheriting
Vós herdáveis You were inheriting
Eles/Elas herdavam They were inheriting

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu herdarei I will inherit
Tu herdarás You will inherit
Você herdará You will inherit
Ele/Ela herdará He/She will inherit
Nós herdaremos We will inherit
Vós herdareis You will inherit
Eles/Elas herdarão They will inherit

Herdar Participle / Herdar Participio 

Português English
Herdado Inherited

Herdar Gerundo 

Português English
Herdando Inheriting

Herdar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Herdar

Português English
Eu herdo os bens da família. I inherit the family’s assets.
Você herdou a propriedade dela. You inherited her property.
Ele estava herdando uma fortuna. He was inheriting a fortune.
Nós herdamos a tradição cultural. We inherit the cultural tradition.
Vocês herdavam os valores dela. You were inheriting her values.
Ela pôde herdar o talento artístico. She could inherit artistic talent.
Eles não podiam herdar as terras. They couldn’t inherit the lands.
Você poderá herdar a empresa. You will be able to inherit the company.
Eu tenho herdado características dela. I have inherited traits from her.
Você pode estar herdando responsabilidades. You may be inheriting responsibilities.