Conjugate Reparar in Portuguese – Reparar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Reparar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To repair” in English.

Reparar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To repair” em ingles.

Reparar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu reparo I repair
Tu reparas You repair
Você repara You repair
Ele / Ela repara He/She repairs
Nós reparamos You repair
Vós reparaís You repair
Eles / Elas reparam They repair

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu reparei I repaired
Tu reparaste You repaired
Você reparou You repaired
Ele/Ela reparou He/She repaired
Nós reparamos We repaired
Vós reparastes You repaired
Eles/Elas repararam They repaired

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu reparava I was repairing
Tu reparavas You were repairing
Você reparava You were repairing
Ele/Ela reparava He/She was repairing
Nós reparávamos We were repairing
Vós reparáveis You were repairing
Eles/Elas reparavam They were repairing

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu repararei I will repair
Tu repararás You will repair
Você reparará You will repair
Ele/Ela reparará He/She will repair
Nós repararemos We will repair
Vós reparareis You will repair
Eles/Elas repararão They will repair

Reparar Participle / Reparar Participio 

Português English
Reparado Repaired

Reparar Gerundo 

Português English
Reparando Repairing

Reparar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Reparar

Português English
Eu reparo o carro na oficina. I repair the car in the workshop.
Ele reparou o computador ontem. He repaired the computer yesterday.
Nós estávamos reparando a casa. We were repairing the house.
Vocês reparam os danos. You repair the damages.
Ela reparava o relógio dela. She was repairing her watch.
Eles repararam o problema. They repaired the problem.
Vocês repararão o erro. You will repair the mistake.
Nós repararemos a máquina amanhã. We will repair the machine tomorrow.
Ele reparava as falhas no sistema. He was repairing the flaws in the system.
Eles já repararam o dano causado. They have already repaired the damage caused.