Conjugate Exagerar in Portuguese – Exagerar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Exagerar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To exaggerate” in English.

Exagerar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To exaggerate” em ingles.

Exagerar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu exagero I exaggerate
Tu exageras You exaggerate
Você exagera You exaggerate
Ele / Ela exagera He/She exaggerates
Nós exageramos You (plural, informal) exaggerate
Vós exagerais You (plural, informal) exaggerate
Eles / Elas exageram They exaggerate

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu exagerei I exaggerated
Tu exageraste You (singular, informal) exaggerated
Você exagerou You (singular, informal) exaggerated
Ele/Ela exagerou He/She exaggerated
Nós exageramos We exaggerated
Vós exagerastes You (plural, informal) exaggerated
Eles/Elas exageraram They exaggerated

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu exagerava I was exaggerating / I used to exaggerate
Tu exageravas You (singular, informal) were exaggerating / You used to exaggerate
Você exagerava You (singular, informal) were exaggerating / You used to exaggerate
Ele/Ela exagerava He/She was exaggerating / He/She used to exaggerate
Nós exagerávamos We were exaggerating / We used to exaggerate
Vós exageráveis You (plural, informal) were exaggerating / You used to exaggerate
Eles/Elas exageravam They were exaggerating / They used to exaggerate

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu exagerarei I will exaggerate
Tu exagerarás You (singular, informal) will exaggerate
Você exagerará You (singular, informal) will exaggerate
Ele/Ela exagerará He/She will exaggerate
Nós exageraremos We will exaggerate
Vós exagerareis You (plural, informal) will exaggerate
Eles/Elas exagerarão They will exaggerate

Exagerar Participle / Exagerar Participio 

Português English
Exagerado Exaggerated

Exagerar Gerundo 

Português English
Exagerando Exaggerating

Exagerar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Exagerar

Português English
Ela exagera na hora de contar histórias. She exaggerates when telling stories.
Nós exageramos um pouco para impressionar. We exaggerate a bit to impress.
Você exagerou a importância do acontecimento. You exaggerated the significance of the event.
Eles exageravam na forma como se vestiam. They used to exaggerate in the way they dressed.
Eu exagerarei nas palavras para expressar a emoção. I will exaggerate in my words to express the emotion.
Ele estava exagerando quando falou da sua habilidade. He was exaggerating when he spoke about his skill.
Vocês exageravam os elogios à cantora. You (plural, informal) used to exaggerate compliments to the singer.
Eu duvidava que ela exagerasse tanto. I doubted she would exaggerate that much.
Eles exageraram ao dizer que viram um ovni. They exaggerated by saying they saw a UFO.
Ela exagera nos detalhes ao contar a história. She exaggerates the details when telling the story.