Conjugate Recear in Portuguese – Recear Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Recear is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To fear / To be afraid” in English.

Recear é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To fear / To be afraid” em ingles.

Recear Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu receio I fear / I am afraid
Tu receias You fear / You are afraid
Você receia You fear / You are afraid
Ele / Ela receia He/She fears / He/She is afraid
Nós receamos You (plural, informal) fear
Vós receais You (plural, informal) fear
Eles / Elas receiam They fear

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu receei I feared / I was afraid
Tu receaste You (singular, informal) feared
Você receou You (singular, informal) feared
Ele/Ela receou He/She feared
Nós receamos We feared
Vós receastes You (plural, informal) feared
Eles/Elas recearam They feared

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu receava I was fearing / I used to fear
Tu receavas You (singular, informal) were fearing / You used to fear
Você receava You (singular, informal) were fearing / You used to fear
Ele/Ela receava He/She was fearing / He/She used to fear
Nós receávamos We were fearing / We used to fear
Vós receáveis You (plural, informal) were fearing / You used to fear
Eles/Elas receavam They were fearing / They used to fear

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu recearei I will fear
Tu recearás You (singular, informal) will fear
Você receará You (singular, informal) will fear
Ele/Ela receará He/She will fear
Nós recearemos We will fear
Vós receareis You (plural, informal) will fear
Eles/Elas recearão They will fear

Recear Participle / Recear Participio 

Português English
Receado Feared / Afraid

Recear Gerundo 

Português English
Receando Fearing / Being afraid

Recear Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Recear

Português English
Eu receio a escuridão. I fear the darkness.
Vocês recearam o que poderia acontecer. You (plural, informal) feared what could happen.
Ele receava o desconhecido. He feared the unknown.
Nós receamos pelo futuro. We fear for the future.
Vocês receavam as consequências. You (plural, informal) were fearing the consequences.
Ela receará tomar essa decisão. She will fear to make that decision.
Eles receiam enfrentar o problema. They fear facing the problem.
Eu recearei perder quem amo. I will fear losing the ones I love.
Elas recearam o mesmo desfecho. They feared the same outcome.
Você receará estar sozinho. You will fear being alone.