Conjugate Marcar in Portuguese – Marcar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Marcar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To mark / To schedule” in English.

Marcar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To mark / To schedule” em ingles.

Marcar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu marco I mark / I schedule
Tu marcas You mark / You schedule
Você marca You mark / You schedule
Ele / Ela marca He/She marks / He/She schedules
Nós marcamos You (plural, informal) mark / You schedule
Vós marcais You (plural, informal) mark / You schedule
Eles / Elas marcam They mark / They schedule

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu marquei I marked / I scheduled
Tu marcaste You (singular, informal) marked / You scheduled
Você marcou You (singular, informal) marked / You scheduled
Ele/Ela marcou He/She marked / He/She scheduled
Nós marcamos We marked / We scheduled
Vós marcastes You (plural, informal) marked / You scheduled
Eles/Elas marcaram They marked / They scheduled

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu marcava I was marking / I used to mark / I was scheduling / I used to schedule
Tu marcaste You (singular, informal) were marking / You used to mark / You were scheduling / You used to schedule
Você marcava You (singular, informal) were marking / You used to mark / You were scheduling / You used to schedule
Ele/Ela marcava He/She was marking / He/She used to mark / He/She was scheduling / He/She used to schedule
Nós marcávamos We were marking / We used to mark / We were scheduling / We used to schedule
Vós marcáveis You (plural, informal) were marking / You used to mark / You were scheduling / You used to schedule
Eles/Elas marcavam They were marking / They used to mark / They were scheduling / They used to schedule

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu marcarei I will mark / I will schedule
Tu marcarás You (singular, informal) will mark / You will schedule
Você marcará You (singular, informal) will mark / You will schedule
Ele/Ela marcará He/She will mark / He/She will schedule
Nós marcaremos We will mark / We will schedule
Vós marcareis You (plural, informal) will mark / You will schedule
Eles/Elas marcarão They will mark / They will schedule

Marcar Participle / Marcar Participio 

Português English
Marcado Marked / Scheduled

Marcar Gerundo 

Português English
Marcando Marking / Scheduling

Marcar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Marcar

Português English
Eu marco o local da reunião no mapa. I mark the location of the meeting on the map.
Você marcou uma consulta com o médico. You scheduled an appointment with the doctor.
Ele marca os livros com seu nome. He marks the books with his name.
Nós marcamos o encontro para amanhã. We scheduled the meeting for tomorrow.
Eles marcam suas roupas com etiquetas. They mark their clothes with labels.
Eu marcava os eventos importantes no calendário. I used to mark important events on the calendar.
Vocês marcavam os produtos em promoção. You (plural, informal) used to mark products on sale.
Ela marcava os exames médicos regularmente. She used to schedule medical exams regularly.
Nós marcávamos a data do casamento. We were scheduling the wedding date.
Eles marcaram uma festa surpresa para o aniversariante. They organized a surprise party for the birthday person.