Conjugate Lançar in Portuguese – Lançar Conjugation 🇵🇹 🇧🇷

Verb Type: Regular
Tipo de verbo: Regular

Lançar is a Regular Portuguese verb ending in “ar”, and it translate to “To launch / To throw” in English.

Lançar é um verbo português regular que termina em “ar” e se traduz em “To launch / To throw” em ingles.

Lançar Conjugação

Tense: Present  / Presente 

Português English
Eu lanço I launch / I throw
Tu lanças You launch / You throw
Você lança You launch / You throw
Ele / Ela lança He/She launches / He/She throws
Nós lançamos You (plural, informal) launch / You (plural, informal) throw
Vós lançais You (plural, informal) launch / You (plural, informal) throw
Eles / Elas lançam They launch / They throw

Tense: Perfect Past / Pretérito Perfeito

Português English
Eu lancei I launched / I threw
Tu lançaste You (singular, informal) launched / You (singular, informal) threw
Você lançou You (singular, informal) launched / You (singular, informal) threw
Ele/Ela lançou He/She launched / He/She threw
Nós lançámos We launched / We threw
Vós lançastes You (plural, informal) launched / You (plural, informal) threw
Eles/Elas lançaram They launched / They threw

Tense: Imperfect Past / Pretérito Imperfeito

Português English
Eu lançava I was launching / I was throwing
Tu lançavas You (singular, informal) were launching / You (singular, informal) were throwing
Você lançava You (singular, informal) were launching / You (singular, informal) were throwing
Ele/Ela lançava He/She was launching / He/She was throwing
Nós lançávamos We were launching / We were throwing
Vós lançáveis You (plural, informal) were launching / You (plural, informal) were throwing
Eles/Elas lançavam They were launching / They were throwing

Tense: Future / Futuro

Português English
Eu lançarei I will launch / I will throw
Tu lançarás You (singular, informal) will launch / You (singular, informal) will throw
Você lançará You (singular, informal) will launch / You (singular, informal) will throw
Ele/Ela lançará He/She will launch / He/She will throw
Nós lançaremos We will launch / We will throw
Vós lançareis You (plural, informal) will launch / You (plural, informal) will throw
Eles/Elas lançarão They will launch / They will throw

Lançar Participle / Lançar Participio 

Português English
Lançado Launched / Thrown

Lançar Gerundo 

Português English
Lançando Launching / Throwing

Lançar Conjugation Chart

Sentences using conjugations of Lançar

Português English
O atleta lança o dardo com força. The athlete throws the javelin with force.
Lançamos uma festa surpresa para ela. We threw a surprise party for her.
Ela sempre lança palavras ofensivas durante a discussão. She always throws offensive words during the argument.
Vocês vão lançar o novo produto no mercado amanhã. You (plural, informal) will launch the new product in the market tomorrow.
O cantor lançará seu novo álbum em breve. The singer will release his new album soon.
Lançamos uma campanha para arrecadar fundos. We launched a campaign to raise funds.
Os astronautas lançaram o foguete no espaço. The astronauts launched the rocket into space.
Lançarei uma pedra no lago para ver os círculos formarem-se. I will throw a stone into the lake to see the circles form.
Ela lançava olhares nervosos para o público. She was casting nervous glances at the audience.
Eles lançam a rede no mar para pescar peixes. They cast the net into the sea to catch fish.